Cherry Blossom Prediction Competition Organizer, Spring 2022 - Spring 2025, George Mason University (with David Kepplinger and Elizabeth Wolkovich)
An annual data challenge open to all. Contestants compete to predict the peak bloom date of cherry trees at locations around the world. Complete entries are eligible to receive prizes of $5,000 or more and will help scientists better understand the impacts of climate change.
STAT689 Causal Inference Instructor, Fall 2023, George Mason University
STAT489 Statistics Communication (Pre-Capstone)
Instructor, Fall 2021 - Fall 2024, George Mason University
This class develops skills in the areas of technical writing and oral communication. Students will develop a historical and ethical appreciation of the field of statistics as well as connect methods from their undergraduate coursework to solve problems.
Slides on quick and effective writing and select historical examples
- Example from Lecture 1.a
- Example from Lecture 1.b
- Example from Lecture 1.c
- Example from Lecture 2.a
- Example from Lecture 3.a
- Example from Lecture 3.b
- Example from Lecture 4.a
- Example from Lecture 4.b
- Example from Lecture 5.a
- Example from Lecture 6.a
- Example from Lecture 7.a
- Example from Lecture 7.b
- Example from Lecture 7.c
- Example from Lecture 7.d
STAT490 Capstone in Statistics
Instructor, Spring 2022 - Spring 2025, George Mason University
Students will synthesize methods and ideas acquired in their undergraduate courses by working in small groups on a project and presenting their findings in a written report and an oral presentation.
The Mason Statistician: A Summary of Student Capstones
Slides of example projects
UN1010 Statistics for Activists
Instructor and Course Creator, Fall 2019, Columbia University
How do advocates use evidence to effect change? When do data uncover the truth–and when do they distort it? This class teaches how to argue persuasively with data. Students will learn how data are collected, examined with statistical software, and communicated. All three themes: collection, examination, and communication are explored from theoretical principles, historic accounts, and hands-on coding experience, with a special focus on New York City policy. The class will culminate with each student conducting an original investigation. High school algebra is required. Calculus is helpful but not necessary. No coding experience is expected.
Explorations in Data Science
Instructor, Spring 2016 - Spring 2018, Columbia University Science Honors Program (with Yayun Hsu)
In this course, students will carry out a series of explorations in data science to learn about statistical thinking, principles and data analysis skills used in data science. These explorations will cover topics including: descriptive statistics, sampling and estimation, association, regression analysis, etc. Classes will be organized to have a lecture component and a hands-on exploration component each session. In the lecture session, an introductory curriculum on data science will be given. In the exploration session, students will be led through data analysis exercises using the statistical analysis language R. These exercises are designed to use open data, such as NYC open data that contain interesting information about neighborhoods of New York City. No prior programming experience is required.
UN1001 Introduction to Statistical Reasoning
Instructor, Fall 2017, Columbia University
A friendly introduction to statistical concepts and reasoning with emphasis on developing statistical intuition rather than on mathematical rigor. Topics include design of experiments, descriptive statistics, correlation and regression, probability, chance variability, sampling, chance models, and tests of significance.